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Linking Accounts

Linking a teen from a parent's account

With a Current Account, your teen will be able to check their balances and manage their money.  They won’t be able to initiate deposits from your bank or access your account balance, and they can only view the balances for their Giving or Savings Pods, transactions, and account information.

You can add a teen while signing up for Current or by heading to the Account tab of your account and tapping Account Management and then Add an Account. To link a teen to your Current Account: 

  1. Select Teen Account as your account type
  2. Select your role. If you’re managing the teen’s account, select Primary parent. If you’re a secondary parent, select Secondary Parent
  3. Enter your teen’s information and select a card if they don’t already have one
  4. You’ll have the option to display a QR Code that your teen can scan to link to your account. If they don’t already have Current, you can invite them to download the app and create an account.

Linking a parent from a teen's account

After creating a Teen Account, you’ll be prompted to link to your parent’s account or invite them to join Current. To link to your parent’s Current Account: 

  1. Tap Link to their account to bring up the camera and scan the QR Code displayed on your parent’s device. You can also manually enter their code.

Linking a co-parent

You can invite another parent or guardian to allow them to also fund your teen's Current card, add their own chores, and add an additional allowance for your teen if they choose. There are no limits to the number of co-parents you can have to manage your teen.

Giving second parent access to your teen does not give them the ability to see your account information or initiate any deposits from your account. They will need to link their own funding account and can initiate deposits directly from their own account. 

Finding a linking code

  1. Head to the Account tab
  2. Tap Account Management
  3. Choose the teen's account, then tap Link Another Parent
  4. Take the unique code generated in the app and have the second parent or guardian sign up and use that code (Please note, the code is case sensitive)

Using the linking code

  1. Head to the Account section of the app
  2. Tap Account Management and then Add an Account
  3. Select Teen Account and then select Secondary Parent as a role 
  4. Enter the linking code provided by the owner's account

If you have more than one teen, you'll need to repeat this process for each one.

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