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How do I activate my Current card?

To activate your physical card in the Current app: 

  1. Tap the Card Icon on the Overview Screen
  2. Tap Activate next to your new card 

You'll need to know your card's expiration date and CVV to activate it, and you'll have to set a 4-digit PIN during the activation process. If you ever need to pause your card, you can do that here too!

To activate your virtual card in the Current app:

  1. Tap the Card Icon on the Overview Screen
  2. Tap Activate next to your virtual card
  3. Set you PIN

Once your card is activated, you can add your card to mobile wallets such as Apple Pay™ or Google Pay™. 

*All trademarks and brand names belong to their respective owners. Use of these trademarks and brand names do not represent endorsement by or association with this card program.*

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